We don’t want to remember the lyrics of songs we hear these days. Perhaps they fail to make an impression on us which is deep enough to reach our innermost tissues. Liking songs and liking them more than anything else are two very different things. Ever wondered why this is so?
Songs we adored in 90’s were actually sung in 70’s and were written in 65’s. this gave singers n their musicians enough time to enhance their music so much that you feel like memorizing the lyrics the first time you hear them. This is quite rare now, every day comes with millions of blooming songs who come n go, they just fail to make the thundering impressions. I need classics, we need classics. Classics which are thundering with the wrath of perfection which was leashed for maybe a century. People have become more like tiny torpedoes, who don’t want to know why they are so ready to be blown to pieces. People don’t want to relish their journey but want to finish it as fast as possible, remember the days when adrenaline rush used to always fill veins and arteries with rage. But now?
Lets note deviate too much from our primary enigma, which was, “where are the classics gone?”. We need to understand the fact that every individual lives for a very short while and in order to make this time worth the effort, one has to put in more efforts. Efforts with the right scence of direction which moulds the society with its execution. Voices travel a lot, they reach places where light can’t pass and this makes music magnificent. I wish I could scream with my arms wide open “let those voices be amplified beyond your imagination, may they shake the earth and south our deepest temptations. Perhaps this is all for today.
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