“What exactly is peace?”, I asked my colleague. He stared my face for a couple of seconds and went back to his work, this is what he usually does when I bump him with a rhetorical question. “If a person achieves everything he desired for, he is said to be living with peace with his soul, Bingo!” I screamed! This got my colleague all charged up and we had a mind boggling discussion for almost an hour. Let me summarise our talk for you all.
Both of us were very over expressive at that moment and our eyes were gleaming with pearly shine, as if we have discovered a huge universal truth. We had actually concluded that whatever the word peace might actually mean, as long as we are striving for it we grow stronger. “Eventually a day comes when we achieve our goal and the race is over!” said he. If we think properly, we might actually conclude the same. The pains and sufferings which are a part and parcel of every great event are not just breath taking but are actually the hammers which mould us for a better tomorrow. We often see people living a useless solitary life once they earn few thousand grand’s. “What exactly happens with such people then?”, we screamed, and looked at each other to get nothing more than a super puzzled look. I scratched my head and said with a big yawn “naah, they don’t survive a long time after that.” And friends, perhaps this is the truth.
Let me explain a bit more, before you actually lose track of our discussion. Every struggle has a feeling of excitement and a tinge of fun tied with it. The minute one experiences a strong urge for his romance, he runs wild and goes beyond his mental limits. This process is actually very entertaining and strikingly stimulating too. Getting stronger is just a by product, the actual fruit is this very thrill. I hope we all still remember words of our grand father when he narrated his experiences of bicycle ride in his mighty era, I still remember how he used to describe his moustache back then. He was young, stylish and had an aura of his boundless strength. He used to ride many miles everyday and used to enjoy riding his bicycle. Can we live such hardships? Ofcourse not! The reason is that we are not able to see the entertaining aspect of his struggle. We fail to comprehend what he must be watching on the streets everyday on his bike. This is the difference, he never achieved “peace” when he was alive, but every single day made him more magnificent and adorable for my grandmother. Later my father seemed to inherit some of my grand dads traits and resembled him.
I wish I never get my peace too. That will only make me stronger and harder to lose this race of life. “hey Krunal! You idiot! I think we have completely misunderstood what the word peace is even after such a long discussion!”, my colleague screamed, almost deafening me. What he actually meant was, every struggle has a hidden peace in it. It’s like a hidden signal in a telephone static. What we call “excitement” is actually the peace associated with a particular event, was our final conclusion.